Dear Statalisters,
I have many (~ 500) variables to test in a paired design (I would like to perform both a paired t-test and a signed rank sum test).
To avoid typing all the variables I would like to define a double loop to perform the test for all the variables.
Since all the variables, after the reshaping in wide format of the dataset are in the format a1 b1 c1... and a2 b2 c2, basing on STATA
documentation I tried to implement arrays, and I ended up with something like
#delimit ;
local array1 "a1 b1 c1";
local array2 "a2 b2 c2";
local i = 1 ;
local n : word count `array1' ;
while `i' <= `n' {;
local var1 : word �i' of �array1';
local var2 : word �i' of �array2';
ttest `var1' = `var2';
local i = `i' + 1;
#delimit cr
but when i run it I get an "invalid syntax" error...I cannot understand why.
Last question: to perform a paired t-test or signed rank sum test in STATA, I am forced to
reshape the dataset in wide format or there is some way to accomplish paired tests with the
dataset in long format ?
Thank you in advance for any suggestion
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