Here are two suggestions to try:
First, remove the underscore on one offending SAS format and try to
convert that format only (or do it for all formats in a text editor
and try again). If the conversion to Stata now works, you found a
limitation of -usesas- and a workaround. Second, make sure that you
have an updated version of of -usesas-. In May 2006 I identified a
problem with value labels for SAS special missing (Stata extended
missing) values, which Dan quickly solved.
Anders Alexandersson
[email protected]
On 8/23/07, Clinton Thompson <[email protected]> wrote:
> One SAS format not transferred (among many) is the following:
> .D = 'DK/NS'
> .R = 'REFUSED'
> 1 = 'Age 18 to 64'
> 2 = 'Age 65 or older'
> 3 = 'Do not know/Refused/Missing'
> Note that, following a cursory review of which formats are not
> transferred, most (perhaps all?) of the offending formats begin w/ an
> underscore (as the one above). Also note that even though many of the
> formats are transferred and are identifiable via -label dir-, they are
> still not appended to the appropriate variable. And parenthetically,
> the syntax I used to transfer the SAS file to Stata follows:
> usesas using "pathname of SAS file", formats
> where there is a FORMAT file in the *same* directory as the SAS file
> named "formats.sas7bcat" (per the requirements from the -usesas- help
> file).
> Thanks again!
> --Clint
> On 8/23/07, Anders Alexandersson <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Please give an example of a SAS format not converted to a value label
> > in Stata. Note that Stata does not allow value-label ranges or string
> > variables with value labels.
> >
> > Anders Alexandersson
> > [email protected]
> >
> > Clinton Thompson <[email protected]> wrote:
> > > Hello All:
> > > I'm using Dan Blanchette's -usesas- program to import a moderate size
> > > SAS file (211 variables, ~3800 observations) into Stata and although
> > > it works correctly --- at least insofar as reading all variables and
> > > observations --- it does *not* append the variable value formats to
> > > the respective variables (problematic since almost every variable
> > > includes a format). After the data is loaded into Stata, however, I
> > > can type -label dir-, which returns most but not *all* of the formats
> > > housed in the SAS file, "formats.sas7bcat", and I suppose I could
> > > invoke a series of -label values- commands, but given 200+ variables,
> > > this seems rather cumbersome and inefficient (not to mention, all the
> > > formats are not imported!). I've read, reread, and read again the
> > > help file for -usesas- and even changed the path name of the two SAS
> > > macros in the sasexe.ado file to the location of my sas.exe file, but
> > > to no avail (at least w/ respect to properly importing the formats.).
> > > I'm using Stata/SE 9.2 for Windows and SAS, v.8.
> > > Any suggestions? Thoughts?
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