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st: -usesas- and formats

From   "Clinton Thompson" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -usesas- and formats
Date   Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:51:05 -0400

Hello All:
I'm using Dan Blanchette's -usesas- program to import a moderate size
SAS file (211 variables, ~3800 observations) into Stata and although
it works correctly --- at least insofar as reading all variables and
observations --- it does *not* append the variable value formats to
the respective variables (problematic since almost every variable
includes a format).  After the data is loaded into Stata, however, I
can type -label dir-, which returns most but not *all* of the formats
housed in the SAS file, "formats.sas7bcat", and I suppose I could
invoke a series of -label values- commands, but given 200+ variables,
this seems rather cumbersome and inefficient (not to mention, all the
formats are not imported!).  I've read, reread, and read again the
help file for -usesas- and even changed the path name of the two SAS
macros in the sasexe.ado file to the location of my sas.exe file, but
to no avail (at least w/ respect to properly importing the formats.).
I'm using Stata/SE 9.2 for Windows and SAS, v.8.
Any suggestions?  Thoughts?
Many Thanks,
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