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st: RE: stata 10 mp2 vs stata9

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: stata 10 mp2 vs stata9
Date   Thu, 23 Aug 2007 14:56:07 +0100

It is difficult to discuss this with so little
specific evidence. 

The kind of evidence needed includes

1. What kind of program? Ideally Jitian might 
be willing to make the program and dataset 
available, or equivalent, available to others. 

2. How far these timings really were obtained
under exactly similar circumstances. For
example, whether the program was in 
memory first can be important. 

3. Whether the observation really is repeatable
across both similar and different programs. 

Finally, it is a broad principle that even 
general speed-ups don't automatically mean 
that absolutely everything is faster on 
all possible machines in all possible circumstances. 

The best way for Jitian to push this forward
is to liaise with Stata tech-support, who
would undoubtedly want to know much more than this. 

[email protected] 

Jitian Sheu
> I am using the latest version of Stata (stata 10 MP2) in my 
> computer (64 bit
> and 8G Ram)
> However, I just found the stata 10 does not perform better 
> compared with
> that in Stata 9.
> I use the same program and run in the same computer.
> Stata 10 is actually 1.5 times slower than stata 9.
> Does anyone have the same experience? And does anyone happen 
> to know how to
> solve it?

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