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RE: st: RE: RE: -outreg2- in Stata 10

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: RE: RE: -outreg2- in Stata 10
Date   Wed, 01 Aug 2007 17:48:50 -0500

At 03:38 PM 8/1/2007, Nick Cox wrote:
2. There is no guessing about -index()-. This
is documented. Richard wants a list of old stuff:
the list under the help for -version- is long
and detailed. In about 15 years of Stata programming
I doubt that I have looked at it, or its predecessors,
more than a very few times. If you use -version-,
you usually don't need to. That doesn't provide all
he wants, but I imagine the explanation really is as simple as
the fact that the manuals are already pretty long
and only a very few people want to know about all
the old stuff too. As each new set of manuals arrives,
I always keep the old ones.
Good point. If you do -help version- and then search for -index-, you discover it has been renamed to -strpos-.

Richard's guess, as I understand it, was that when a program
calls another, the -version- set is passed on (unless it is
was explicitly set to something else inside).
That is indeed my guess. And I would further guess that when control returns to the calling program, version is reset to whatever it was in that program, e.g. if version was 9.2. and a program is called that sets version to 6.0, after that program is executed version is again 9.2. And when control returns to the command line it will be 10.0 again (or whatever version you are using).

If every little subroutine needs its own version command, the docs should be clear on that. But if I recall correctly, the advice has always been to put version at the top of the main program. I suppose putting version commands in the subroutines may be a good idea if, say, part of the code is being updated for Stata 10 but you don't want to bother making sure that all the other code also still works correctly in Stata 10.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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