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Re: st: RE: RE: -outreg2- in Stata 10

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: RE: -outreg2- in Stata 10
Date   Wed, 01 Aug 2007 14:45:58 -0500

At 12:13 PM 8/1/2007, Mentzakis, Emmanouil wrote:
As from Stata 10, -index()- is only
available under version control.

It so happens that at least one subroutine of -outreg2- lacks a
-version- statement by a small accident. Thus the program is being run
under Stata 10. My guess is that it needs a -version 8.2- statement.
That is my guess too. As I understand it, -index- got renamed in Stata 9. Stata policy is to keep the old names working for one version, and then they stop working the version after that, unless you use version control. So, that is why -index- still worked in Stata 9 but not in 10.

To clarify though: does the -version- command only apply to the subroutine that contains it? i.e. you can't just say version 8.2 in the first routine, it needs to be in every subroutine as well? I thought you just had to do it the first time, but apparently that is not the case, you need to do it in every subroutine.

As a sidelight, I wish the old names just kept working, and/or that there was some nice master listing of all the old names and their modern counterparts. When going through older programs, it can be difficult to figure out what a command does because, while it works under version control, it is no longer documented.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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