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Re: st: Notepad++ and Stata

From   "Friedrich Huebler" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Notepad++ and Stata
Date   Mon, 9 Jul 2007 13:59:54 -0400


Here is a quote from the "known problems" section of my web page:

"In rare cases, no command is passed to Stata; if this happens the
script should be called a second time, after which it will usually
work. This problem is due to the way the clipboard is handled and I
don't know if this is a bug in AutoIt or in Windows. If a script
fails, you can increase the time in the Sleep commands and recompile
the scripts. For example, use Sleep(200) instead of Sleep(100), where
the number indicates the pause in milliseconds."

Have you tried to increase the Sleep time?


On 7/9/07, Richard Ohrvall <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Statalist,

Since I think the do-file editor in Stata lack some basic features, I
have read earlier post about external text editors and decided to give
it a try. Notepad++ seemed like a nice program and I found Keith
Kranker's site,, and
followed his instructions and used the autoit-code made by Friedrich
Huebler, Still,
it does not seem to work as I hoped, or rather, sometimes it works
fine to use rundo and rundolines from Notepad++, but sometimes (always
after the first time in one session) nothing happens and I see an icon
at the toolbar for AutoIT that says that the script is paused.

Is there anyone who knows what I am doing wrong? I am using
Intercooled Stata 9.2 and Notepad++ v 4.1.2.

Also, I saw some other AutoIT-code created by Jeff Arnold,
Has anyone tried it together with Notepad++? I did not really
understand how to call the program from the text-editor. If someone
could explain it in a more simple way, I would be really grateful.

Any help would by much appreciated.

All the best,
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