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st: Notepad++ and Stata

From   "Richard Ohrvall" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Notepad++ and Stata
Date   Mon, 9 Jul 2007 20:33:32 +0700

Dear Statalist,

Since I think the do-file editor in Stata lack some basic features, I
have read earlier post about external text editors and decided to give
it a try. Notepad++ seemed like a nice program and I found Keith
Kranker's site,, and
followed his instructions and used the autoit-code made by Friedrich
Huebler, Still,
it does not seem to work as I hoped, or rather, sometimes it works
fine to use rundo and rundolines from Notepad++, but sometimes (always
after the first time in one session) nothing happens and I see an icon
at the toolbar for AutoIT that says that the script is paused.

Is there anyone who knows what I am doing wrong? I am using
Intercooled Stata 9.2 and Notepad++ v 4.1.2.

Also, I saw some other AutoIT-code created by Jeff Arnold,
Has anyone tried it together with Notepad++? I did not really
understand how to call the program from the text-editor. If someone
could explain it in a more simple way, I would be really grateful.

Any help would by much appreciated.

All the best,
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