Manos, I have two solutions for you. None of them is simple, but they
work. The first is to use separate -estout- calls to produce the three
parts of the table and append them in a file:
**********begin example**********
. clear
. set obs 200
obs was 0, now 200
. set seed 125
. gen pid=_n
. expand 3
(400 observations created)
. bys pid: gen y=uniform() >0.5
. bys pid: gen x1=invnormal(uniform())
. bys pid: gen x2=uniform()
. bys pid: gen z=invnormal(uniform())
. gen k=1 if z>-10 & z<-0.5
(416 missing values generated)
. replace k=2 if z>=-0.5 & z<0.8
(293 real changes made)
. replace k=3 if z>=0.8 & z<10
(123 real changes made)
. qui tab k, gen(t)
. qui xtprobit y x1 x2 t2 t3 , i(pid)
. qui mfx, predict(pu0) varlist(x1 x2)
. eststo x1x2
. qui mfx, predict(pu0) varlist(t2) at(t3=0)
. eststo t2
. qui mfx, predict(pu0) varlist(t3) at(t2=0)
. eststo t3
. estout x1x2 using temp.txt, style(fixed) /*
*/ margin keep(x1 x2) cells(b se(par)) /*
*/ replace notype posthead("") /*
*/ eqlab(,none) mlab(,none) collab(dy/dx, lhs(Var))
. estout t2 using temp.txt, style(fixed) /*
*/ margin keep(t2) append /*
*/ nodiscrete cells(b se(par)) notype /*
*/ eqlab(,none) mlab(,none) collab(,none)
. estout t3 using temp.txt, style(fixed) /*
*/ margin keep(t3) append /*
*/ nodiscrete cells(b se(par)) notype /*
*/ eqlab(,none) mlab(,none) collab(,none) /*
*/ postfoot("" "*Std errors in parenthesis")
. type temp.txt
Var dy/dx
x1 -.0220458
x2 .0246864
t2 -.0412405
t3 .0108793
*Std errors in parenthesis
**********end example**********
The second approach is to gather the results from the different -mfx-
calls and add them at the end using -estadd-:
**********begin example**********
. eststo clear
. qui xtprobit y x1 x2 t2 t3 , i(pid)
. eststo model1
. matrix mfx = e(b)*.
. matrix mfx_se = mfx
. qui mfx, predict(pu0) varlist(x1 x2)
. matrix mfx[1,1] = el(e(Xmfx_dydx),1,1)
. matrix mfx[1,2] = el(e(Xmfx_dydx),1,2)
. matrix mfx_se[1,1] = el(e(Xmfx_se_dydx),1,1)
. matrix mfx_se[1,2] = el(e(Xmfx_se_dydx),1,2)
. qui mfx, predict(pu0) varlist(t2) at(t3=0)
. matrix mfx[1,3] = el(e(Xmfx_dydx),1,3)
. matrix mfx_se[1,3] = el(e(Xmfx_se_dydx),1,3)
. qui mfx, predict(pu0) varlist(t3) at(t2=0)
. matrix mfx[1,4] = el(e(Xmfx_dydx),1,4)
. matrix mfx_se[1,4] = el(e(Xmfx_se_dydx),1,4)
. estadd local Xmfx_type "dydx"
. estadd matrix Xmfx_dydx = mfx : model1
. estadd matrix Xmfx_se_dydx = mfx_se : model1
. estout model1, style(fixed) /*
*/ margin keep(x1 x2 t2 t3) cells(b se(par)) /*
*/ posthead("") eqlab(,none) /*
*/ mlab(,none) collab(dy/dx, lhs(Var)) /*
*/ postfoot("" "*Std errors in parenthesis")
Var dy/dx
x1 -.0220458
x2 .0246864
t2 -.0412405
t3 .0108793
*Std errors in parenthesis
**********end example**********
If you need something general I advise you to follow approach 2 and
wrap it up as a program, say -mymfx-, so you can type:
xtprobit ...
mymfx ...
estout ...
It will need some work though.
On 6/14/07, Mentzakis, Emmanouil <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Statalist,
I am trying to create a table output after -mfx- but I cannot make
-outreg- and -outreg2- to work, while -estout-, although is working, I
cannot append the results in a useful format.
Below is a code of what I am running and below that is the output that I
would like to get.
The reason behind running -mfx- separately for each variable is because
of t2 & t3. When computing -mfx-, while one of them is 1 the other needs
to be zero and vice versa.
I'd be grateful for any suggestions
Thank you
**************** begin example ***********************
********** model **********
set obs 200
set seed 125
gen pid=_n
expand 3
bys pid: gen y=uniform() >0.5
bys pid: gen x1=invnormal(uniform())
bys pid: gen x2=uniform()
bys pid: gen z=invnormal(uniform())
gen k=1 if z>-10 & z<-0.5
replace k=2 if z>=-0.5 & z<0.8
replace k=3 if z>=0.8 & z<10
tab k, gen(t)
xtprobit y x1 x2 t2 t3 , i(pid)
mfx, predict(pu0) varlist(x1 x2)
mfx, predict(pu0) varlist(t2) at(t3=0)
mfx, predict(pu0) varlist(t3) at(t2=0)
********* desired output ***********
Var dy/dx
X1 -.0220458
X2 .0246864
T2 -.0412405
T3 .0108793
*Std errors in parenthesis
**************** end example ***********************
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