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st: Re: RE: Nonlinear panel data models and their efficient estimation
From |
"Rodrigo A. Alfaro" <[email protected]> |
To |
<[email protected]> |
Subject |
st: Re: RE: Nonlinear panel data models and their efficient estimation |
Date |
Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:01:17 -0400 |
The question is valid for a linear model, in that case it is fine to say:
autocorrelation or heteroskedasticity with endogenous regressors. The
algorithm used in -ivreg2- for dealing with the unspherical errors only
affects the standard errors. In the case of the model that you are asking it
is hard to think that this is a feasible solution. Adding sample selection
will make the things even more complicated, are you thinking in a two-step
model or maximum-likelihood?
My suggestion will be similar to Maarten's proposal. If you are doing this
for a empirical paper, it is better to use -xtlogit- or -xtprobit- (both are
random effects)... you will spend a lot of time checking that the model is
right under different quadratures. Moreover, for a reasonable number of
cross sectional units and a powerful computer you can estimate the logit and
probit model adding dummies for the cross sectional units. In the case of
logit, -clogit- could help you in this matter. There are corrections for the
probit+fe model, but W. Greene considers that the raw-estimation is fine.
Now, if your live depends on this estimation and you have the time to spend
on it you can write down the loglikelihood assciated with your problem. In
that case, you define the endogeneity (linear or even not linear) of your
covariate, the behaviro of the unobserved component (fixed or random
effects) and also the sample selection rule. Finally, you could impose a
reasonable structure for the "error" such as AR(1) with heteroskedasticity.
All of these can be estimated by -ml- routines that you have to code on your
own. With a reasonable load of 10-hours per day, 6 days a week you will not
spend less than 6 months. For the case of fixed effects you need to improve
the algorithm to make feasible the estimation, Greene proposes an algorithm
to improve the estimationof MLE with fixed effects avoiding to add the
dummies. Moreover, you need to fix your code to allow unbalanced panels (if
you need it). You need to prove things like consistency and asymptotic
normality to believe in your estimator... and probably those are different
for large-n fixed-T and large-n large-T asymptotics. In conclusion, it is
not simple... and this could be the main reason why there is not such a
package!! A lazy and risky alternative is to search on the web if that
medicine was written for someone else, I doubt that there is something even
close that you are looking for. Maybe something smaller in features and
available for Matlab, Gauss of Fortran.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Maarten Buis" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 9:45 AM
Subject: st: RE: Nonlinear panel data models and their efficient estimation
So you want to estimate a fixed/random effects model with
heteroscedasticity, serial correlation, and sample selection
correction and endogenous variables? As you can imagine this
is not going to be easy. My advise would be to first think
very very very hard about whether you really need it. So
think about the question you are trying to answer. Do this
with somebody else who hasn't worked on your problem before.
When somebody comes into my office with the question of how
to ``bootstrap a multilevel sample selection MCMC propensity
weighted semi parametric model'' the outcome has always been
that there is a much simpler way of answering the research
question (sometimes as easy as comparing 4 means, which
economist tend to call a difference in difference estimator
but I think terminology like that just hides the simplicity
of procedures like that (but maybe that is intentional)).
Hope this helps (and isn't too pretentious),
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
+31 20 5986715
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Annika Meng
Sent: maandag 11 juni 2007 14:51
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Nonlinear panel data models and their efficient estimation
Dear Statalist users,
I would like to estimate a binary panel data model with fixed and random
effects with "xtlogit" / "xtprobit". However, I found no information on
how to correct my estimated coefficients for heteroskedasticity and serial
correlation. In addition, I have to deal with endogenous regressors and
sample selection.
The Stata command "ivreg2" is the command for these problems concerning
linear endogenous variables.
Does anyone know if there is a nonlinear equivalent or another way to
correct the estimated standard errors?
Thank you for your replies.
Annika Meng
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