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Re: st: RE: new local macro from results of loop
Thanks Nick and Maarten
Both of your suggestions work (they look the same save for the "" in Maartens solution). That said, I have missed the
obvious so I will ask that you help me with the logic
My part of the loop goes through each element and does my stuff
foreach v of local lvstk {
--my stuff--
How exactly does your part work
local lvstknos "`lvstknos' `v'nbeg `v'nend"
local new `new' `v'nbeg `v'nend
It appears that you are each amending a new local (part of my confusion is that this new local has not been initialised
before). My other problem is that I don't see the part that instructs Stata to incrementally build the new local
Again, your solutions both work . I just want to understand the logic
Many thanks
Maarten Buis wrote:
foreach v of local lvstk {
egen `v'nbeg = sum(liv_begnum) if `v', by(houscode qtr)
egen `v'nend = sum(liv_endnum) if `v', by(houscode qtr)
local lvstknos "`lvstknos' `v'nbeg `v'nend"
Hope this helps,
NB notice the absence of the equal sign in the local
statement, this will protect you against strings that
are too long.
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
+31 20 5986715
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of Ronnie Babigumira
Sent: woensdag 30 mei 2007 16:35
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: new local macro from results of loop
Dear list
I define a local macro lvstk below which contains variables I would like to process further. For example
local lvstk "cattle largeanims calves smallrums smallanims"
foreach v of local lvstk {
egen `v'nbeg = sum(liv_begnum) if `v', by(houscode qtr)
egen `v'nend = sum(liv_endnum) if `v', by(houscode qtr)
how do I automatically put the new variables being generated into a new macro
local lvstknos "cattlenbeg cattlenend ....and-all-the-other-stuff-coming-out-of-the-foreach-loop"
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