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Re: st: Logit output

From   "Austin Nichols" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Logit output
Date   Fri, 25 May 2007 15:01:31 -0400

I prefer -estout- myself, but you may want something like this:

prog qlogit
syntax [varlist] [if] [in] [, *]
qui logit `varlist' `if' `in' , `options'
tempname b v
mat `b'=e(b)
mat `v'=e(V)
local rhs: colnames e(b)
di "varname" _col(20) "coef" _col(40) "p-value"
forv i=1/`=colsof(`b')' {
di as res "`: word `i' of `rhs''" _c
di _col(20) `b'[1,`i'] _c
di _col(40) 2*norm(-abs(`b'[1,`i']/sqrt(`v'[`i',`i'])))

sysuse auto, clear
qlogit for len pr mpg

On 5/25/07, Rachel <[email protected]> wrote:
I'm having stata execute a very large number of Logit commands to
check for robustness, and I'm only interested in seeing the
coefficients and p-values.  Is there any way to

1. Suppress all output except covariate names, coefficient values and
p-values  and
2. To temporarily save the last p-value using ereturn or a similar
command?  (The manual entry for -Logit- does not list the significance
levels among the statistics that can be saved.)

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