Dear Stata 9 experts,
I was using the following lines of command by Brian Poi to routinely
compute t-stats and p-values after qreg. I adapted the bootstrap code to
stata 9, but got an error message. Is something wrong with the syntax or is
stata 9 to be handled differently?
Bonus Question: Is there a simpler way of obtaining t-stats and p-values in
stata 9?
many thanks!
[email protected]
The original code by Brian Poi (See
sysuse auto, clear
set seed 1001
bootstrap "qreg price weight length foreign" _b, reps(1000)
// The following code should work after any call to
// -bootstrap-
matrix b = e(b)
matrix se = e(se)
local names : colnames(se)
local df = e(N) - colsof(b)
tempname t lb ub
local i = 1
foreach var of local names {
scalar `t' = (b[1, `i'] / se[1, `i'])
scalar `lb' = b[1, `i'] - se[1, `i']*invttail(`df', 0.025)
scalar `ub' = b[1, `i'] + se[1, `i']*invttail(`df', 0.025)
di "`var'" _col(15) %9.0g b[1,`i'] ///
_col(26) %9.0g se[1, `i'] ///
_col(38) %6.2f `t' ///
_col(46) %6.3f 2*ttail(`df', abs(`t')) ///
_col(56) %9.0g `lb' ///
_col(68) %9.0g `ub'
local i = `i' + 1
The code adapted to stata 9:
sysuse auto, clear
set seed 1001
bootstrap _b, reps(1000) seed(1001) : qreg price weight length
// The following code should work after any call to
// -bootstrap-
matrix b = e(b)
matrix se = e(se)
local names : colnames(se)
local df = e(N) - colsof(b)
tempname t lb ub
local i = 1
foreach var of local names {
scalar `t' = (b[1, `i'] / se[1, `i'])
scalar `lb' = b[1, `i'] - se[1, `i']*invttail(`df', 0.025)
scalar `ub' = b[1, `i'] + se[1, `i']*invttail(`df', 0.025)
di "`var'" _col(15) %9.0g b[1,`i'] ///
_col(26) %9.0g se[1, `i'] ///
_col(38) %6.2f `t' ///
_col(46) %6.3f 2*ttail(`df', abs(`t')) ///
_col(56) %9.0g `lb' ///
_col(68) %9.0g `ub'
local i = `i' + 1
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