Thanks a lot, Kit. I tried the solution and I think it works. Just wondering
why sometimes the uniqprod shows only partial of the product name. In my
example, the names are single letters but in my data they are words. It only
happens to some firms and always shows in the last word. For example,
"governance, audit, compensation, g". The "g" puzzles me.
In addition, if I have a string variable looks like "book, mirror, desk,
chair, book, chair, desk, wall, mirror". And the number of words and their
repeat vary across firms. How do I get the unique list of the variable for
each firm? The desired should be "book, mirror, desk, chair, wall". Sequence
does not matter. Any help is appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Kit Baum
Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2007 9:47 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: data management problem
sacrificial lamb
With regard to Wanli Zhao's problem of counting the number of
products per firm, using his original data:
tabstat firm, by(firm) stat(N)
reshape wide product, i(firm) j(dept) string
ds prod*
local allprod `r(varlist)'
g allprod=""
foreach v of local allprod {
qui replace allprod = allprod + `v' + " "
g uniqprod=""
g nprod=.
su firm,mean
forv i=1/`r(N)' {
local prodlist = allprod[`i']
local prodlist : subinstr local prodlist "," "",all
local uniqprod : list uniq prodlist
qui replace uniqprod = "`uniqprod'" in `i'
local nprod : word count `uniqprod'
qui replace nprod = `nprod' in `i'
list firm uniqprod nprod
| firm uniqprod nprod |
1. | 1 a b c r d 5 |
2. | 2 d f I y g 5 |
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
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