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st: GLLAMM Model convergence

From   "Richardson, Kelly K." <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: GLLAMM Model convergence
Date   Mon, 30 Apr 2007 13:42:29 -0500

Hi Stata Listers,

I am trying to run a GLLAMM model with a random intercept for HRR and a
random coefficient for black race. I have a sample size of 798,565 with
98 HRRs.  There are 30 independent variables. Age and income are
continuously measured but all other variables are dichotomous including
the dependent variable. I thought about collapsing the data but I didn't
have any cases in which multiple patients had the same values on the
independent variables. I used the following code:

gen cons=1
eq hrr_cons: cons
eq hrr_black: race_black
gllamm died_admitp30 age female race_black zip_median~e elix_chf
elix_coagu~t elix_hyper~n elix_pvd elix_fluid~s elix_diabe~s elix_liver
elix_renal~l elix_copd elix_valve elix_obesity hannan97_cvd spec_prima~i
spec_cc_cr~h spec_ami_s~l spec_prevc~g spec_ami_i~t adtype_ele~e
adtype_urg~t adsour_tra~n adsour_eme~m yr9596 yr9798 yr9900 yr0102
yr0304, link(logit) fam(binom) i(hrrcode) nrf(2) eqs(hrr_cons hrr_black)
nip(4) adapt

The program ran for several days and finally the power went out in my
building and, well, I got nothin'. I'm wondering, before I start this
process again, am I running too large of a model? Is my sample size too
big? Is there something wrong with my code? I know the documentation
says these models take awhile to converge but should it be several days?
If my model is too large, what are the limits for GLLAMM models? Should
I do this model in HLM instead? Is it my machine?

I am working with:
Microsoft Windows XP
Version 2002
Service Pack 2

Dell Precision PWS670
Xeon(TM) CPU 3.80 GHz
2.77 GHz, 3.25 GB of RAM

Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated. 


Kelly K. Richardson, PhD

Data Analyst

Center for Research in the Implementation of Innovative Strategies in
Practice (CRIISP)

Iowa City Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center (152)

601 Highway 6 West

Iowa City, IA  52246-2208

Phone:: (319) 338-0581 ext. 97641

Fax: (319) 887-4932

E-mail: [email protected]


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