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st: gllamm multinomial logit

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: gllamm multinomial logit
Date   Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:52:07 -0600

Dear all,

I am trying to run a two-level multinomial random-intercept model that includes level-2 covariates.

What I have is a dependent variable Y which takes 3 nominal values and X1 & X2 are level-1 control variables and Z1 & Z2 are level-2 variables where the intercept is a function of Z1 and Z2. AREA is a geographical identification variable.

I am wondering if anyone can evaluate the following gllamm syntax. In particular, I am not quite sure if coefficients on Z1 and Z2 really represents effects of Z1 and Z2 on latent variable (intercept).

Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

sort AREA X1 X2 Y Z1 Z2
gen patt=_n
expand 3
sprt patt
qui by patt: gen dep=_n
gen chosen=dep==Y
sort patt dep
tab dep, gen(a)

gen a2_X1=a2*X1
gen a3_X1=a3*X1
gen a2_X2=a2*X2
gen a3_X2=a3*X2
gen a2_Z1=a2*Z1
gen a3_Z1=a3*Z1
gen a2_Z2=a2*Z2
gen a3_Z2=a3*Z2

eq a2: a2
eq a3: a3

gllamm dep a2_X1 a2_X2 a2_Z1 a2_Z2 a3_X1 a3_X2 a3_Z1 a3_Z2, i(AREA) nrf(2) eq (a2 a3) expand(patt chosen o) lin(mlogit) fam(binom) nip(4) adapt trace

end of syntax

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