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st: gllamm conditional random intercept multinomial logit model

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: gllamm conditional random intercept multinomial logit model
Date   Wed, 25 Apr 2007 16:11:49 -0600


I am trying to estimate a multilevel multinomial logit model using gllamm.

I have a model with a random intercept, which is a function of level-2 covariates. The gllamm manual has an example of a random intercept, but it seems that the example is an unconditional model (i.e. no level-2 covariates in the intercept).

I tried an unconditional random intercept model as following and it seems to be working:

eq a2: a2
eq a3: a3
eq a4: a4
gllamm Y X1 X2, i(group) fam(bimon) link(mlogit) pwe(normw) eqs(a2 a3 a4) nrf(3) adapt nip(4)

where Y is a dependent variable that consists of 4 groups. X1 & X2 are level-1 independent variables.

I am wondering if anyone can give me some advice on how to incorporate level-2 ccovariates in the above random intercept model so that I can get three sets of level-2 coefficients on intercepts (group 4 vs group 1; group 3 vs group 1; group 2 vs group 1).

Also in the gllamm manual, an option "expand( )" was used - is this option necessary for multinomial models?


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