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Re: st: to check the significance of the coefficient

From   "Keynes M. Smith" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: to check the significance of the coefficient
Date   Sat, 21 Apr 2007 06:59:02 +0100


Sorry for my last question, please forget it.

Kit saids

> There is no obvious way of considering a test for autocorrelation in
> the pooled OLS context. You would have to conduct a test on each
> panel, and determine some way of combining results from those tests
> (similar to the issue of designing a panel unit root test). That is
> why I suggested using ivreg2 (in the absence of unobserved
> heterogeneitty) and estimating the model with HAC standard errors. If
> HAC standard errors are quite similar to pooled OLS standard errors,
> then there is no concern of non-iid disturbances.
I got an error message after I use ivreg2;

Error: estimated covariance matrix of moment conditions not of full rank;
      overidentification statistic not reported, and standard errors and
      model tests should be interpreted with caution.
Possible causes:
      covariance matrix of moment conditions not positive definite
      covariance matrix uses too many lags
      singleton dummy variable (dummy with one 1 and N-1 0s or vice versa)
fwl option may address problem.

What's the meaning of this error message? Is there another way to test
for autocorrelation?


A. Sura
On 4/21/07, Keynes M. Smith <[email protected]> wrote:

I've problem with the command -tsset-.

When I try to set time variable, it shown that

. tsset year, yearly
repeated time values in sample

So I can not use some command such as -levinlin-.

I don't understand why I can't set only time variable because when I
use -tsset- to set both

time variable and panel id variable, it work.

tsset country Year, yearly
       panel variable:  country, 1 to 10
        time variable:  Year, 1990 to 2005

What's wrong with my data?


A. Sura
On 4/21/07, Kit Baum <[email protected]> wrote:
> Keynes said
> I already run the fixed effect model and F-test accept the null
> hypothesis.
> So I have to work on pooled OLS.
> I also check for the heteroskedastic, here is the result
> Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg test for heteroskedasticity
>           Ho: Constant variance
>           Variables: fitted values of gdppercapita
>           chi2(1)      =     2.58
>           Prob > chi2  =   0.1085
> which, if I'm not misunderstand, mean that there's no heteroskedastic
> problem.
> For the P-value, is that mean I have to divide by 2 before check the
> significance of the
> coeffiicent?
> Could you please suggest me how to test autocorrelation and how to
> correct it if I found the
> problem.
> No, you do NOT have to divide the pvalue by two. That would only be
> appropriate if you were conducting a one-tailed test. For a two-
> tailed test, leave it alone.
> There is no obvious way of considering a test for autocorrelation in
> the pooled OLS context. You would have to conduct a test on each
> panel, and determine some way of combining results from those tests
> (similar to the issue of designing a panel unit root test). That is
> why I suggested using ivreg2 (in the absence of unobserved
> heterogeneitty) and estimating the model with HAC standard errors. If
> HAC standard errors are quite similar to pooled OLS standard errors,
> then there is no concern of non-iid disturbances.
> Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
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