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st: to check the significance of the coefficient
Keynes said
I already run the fixed effect model and F-test accept the null
So I have to work on pooled OLS.
I also check for the heteroskedastic, here is the result
Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg test for heteroskedasticity
Ho: Constant variance
Variables: fitted values of gdppercapita
chi2(1) = 2.58
Prob > chi2 = 0.1085
which, if I'm not misunderstand, mean that there's no heteroskedastic
For the P-value, is that mean I have to divide by 2 before check the
significance of the
Could you please suggest me how to test autocorrelation and how to
correct it if I found the
No, you do NOT have to divide the pvalue by two. That would only be
appropriate if you were conducting a one-tailed test. For a two-
tailed test, leave it alone.
There is no obvious way of considering a test for autocorrelation in
the pooled OLS context. You would have to conduct a test on each
panel, and determine some way of combining results from those tests
(similar to the issue of designing a panel unit root test). That is
why I suggested using ivreg2 (in the absence of unobserved
heterogeneitty) and estimating the model with HAC standard errors. If
HAC standard errors are quite similar to pooled OLS standard errors,
then there is no concern of non-iid disturbances.
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
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