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st: Re: Output management
First, I find it hard to believe that you think Excel graphs are somehow
more powerful than Stata's. You can really accomplish a lot with Stata's
graphs and then use the resulting graph command in a do file to create many
similar graphs very quickly.
You may want to take a look at my presentation at the 2005 NASUG on using
Stata with Word mail merge to produce more than a 100 page appendix of
similarly formatted pages of information that included data, estimation
results, and three different graphs on each page, automatically laid out and
able to be updated in seconds. See
http://repec.org/nasug2005/mblasniknasug.ppt. I can give you more info
(inlcuidng Word files) off list if you'd like.
Michael Blasnik
----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 4:54 PM
Subject: st: Output management
We are a mixed-brand shop using Stata and SAS. (I greatly prefer Stata but
we hire "classically" trained folks too.) We face a challenge in
generating batches of reports that are visually identical but provide
estimates tailored to specific end-users, for example, a standardized
"profile" of analytic results by county. From Stata, I've done the job
semi-manually by transferring output to an Excel spreadsheet which is
programmed to generate the desired graph or chart, then cutting and
pasting charts/graphs into MS-Word. It's clumsy, with potential for human
error, and Word doesn't handle pages well when many graphic objects are
embedded. I haven't tried programming Stata to generate graphics directly
because I think it would take much programming to yield limited options
compared to Excel. But Excel can't analyze in the ways we need (e.g.,
complex-sample survey data analysis).
SAS sells a fancy package with a "business intelligence" analytic engine
and an MS-Office add-in. I haven't investigated but assume our small
academic group can't afford it. Can someone suggest either a better
Stata-based method than my cut-and-paste approach or a Stata-related
software solution?
Arnold H. Levinson, Ph.D.
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