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st: RE: Output management

From   "Lisa Neidert" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Output management
Date   Fri, 9 Feb 2007 17:01:45 -0500

Take a look at the help area at the Carolina Population Center.  They are originally a big SAS shop, but now have lots of stata users.  They have some information on producing reports as well as quite a bit of stata for SAS user guides.

-Lisa Neidert

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected]
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 4:55 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Output management

We are a mixed-brand shop using Stata and SAS. (I greatly prefer Stata but we hire "classically" trained folks too.) We face a challenge in generating batches of reports that are visually identical but provide estimates tailored to specific end-users, for example, a standardized "profile" of analytic results by county. From Stata, I've done the job semi-manually by transferring output to an Excel spreadsheet which is programmed to generate the desired graph or chart, then cutting and pasting charts/graphs into MS-Word. It's clumsy, with potential for human error, and Word doesn't handle pages well when many graphic objects are embedded. I haven't tried programming Stata to generate graphics directly because I think it would take much programming to yield limited options compared to Excel. But Excel can't analyze in the ways we need (e.g., complex-sample survey data analysis). 
SAS sells a fancy package with a "business intelligence" analytic engine and an MS-Office add-in. I haven't investigated but assume our small academic group can't afford it. Can someone suggest either a better Stata-based method than my cut-and-paste approach or a Stata-related software solution?
Arnold H. Levinson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine & Biometrics
Director, Tobacco Program Evaluation Group (TPEG)
University of Colorado / AMC Cancer Research Center
1600 Pierce Street
Lakewood CO 80214
[email protected]

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