Yes, I included only the ones that died. I have more
than 50,000 observations, I didnt list them all here
but I cannot use tab, so its also difficult to
generate a variable and replace, I assume to have
thousands of events.
I have tried already using the egen function. But
since I have mix non-numericals and numbers for each
type of incident it somehow doesnt count the number of
But I will look into the ssc distinct events.
Doing what you suggested gives me the following:
. egen event = group(incident)
. list count incident event
| count incident event |
1. | 1 x007 5145 |
2. | 2 x038 5175 |
3. | 3 x038 5175 |
4. | 4 x038 5175 |
5. | 5 x038 5175 |
6. | 6 x038 5175 |
7. | 7 x038 5175 |
8. | 8 x038 5175 |
9. | 9 x038 5175 |
10. | 10 x038 5175 |
11. | 11 x038 5175 |
12. | 12 x038 5175 |
13. | 13 x038 5175 |
14. | 14 x038 5175 |
15. | 15 x038 5175 |
I does assign a different number to each event but it
does it from the botton to top.
--- n j cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> I can't see details on died or not died here.
> I guess everybody in the dataset died.
> On one question, you want the number of distinct
> incidents.
> This is given by
> tab incident
> di r(r)
> or by
> ssc inst distinct
> distinct incident
> See also
> How do I compute the number of distinct
> observations?
> On another question, you want to label distinct
> incidents, 1 up.
> This is
> egen event = group(incident)
> See also
> How do I create individual identifiers numbered from
> 1 upwards?
> In short, the FAQs are friendly answers to your
> questions.
> (Incidentally, for me,
> sort incident count
> by incident : gen event = _n
> does not do what you report.)
> Nick
> [email protected]
> Ana Gabriela Guerrero Serdan
> I am struggling on the following. I need to count
> the
> events or number of incidents where people died. I
> have information at the individual level such as:
> +----------------------------+
> | count incident sex |
> |----------------------------|
> 1. | 1 x007 unknown |
> 2. | 2 x038 male |
> 3. | 3 x038 male |
> 4. | 4 x038 male |
> 5. | 5 k000 female |
> |----------------------------|
> 6. | 6 k000 unknown |
> 7. | 7 x038 unknown |
> 8. | 8 x038 unknown |
> 9. | 9 x035 unknown |
> 10. | 10 x040 unknown |
> I am trying to generate a new variable call "event"
> that will put a number to each same incident
> like: incident x007 event 1
> incident x038 event 2
> incident k000 event 3
> etc..
> I tried using:
> sort incident count
> by incident: gen event = _n
> but it gives only values to 1 to the first event and
> 0
> to the rest.
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