I can't see details on died or not died here.
I guess everybody in the dataset died.
On one question, you want the number of distinct incidents.
This is given by
tab incident
di r(r)
or by
ssc inst distinct
distinct incident
See also
How do I compute the number of distinct observations?
On another question, you want to label distinct incidents, 1 up.
This is
egen event = group(incident)
See also
How do I create individual identifiers numbered from 1 upwards?
In short, the FAQs are friendly answers to your questions.
(Incidentally, for me,
sort incident count
by incident : gen event = _n
does not do what you report.)
[email protected]
Ana Gabriela Guerrero Serdan
I am struggling on the following. I need to count the
events or number of incidents where people died. I
have information at the individual level such as:
| count incident sex |
1. | 1 x007 unknown |
2. | 2 x038 male |
3. | 3 x038 male |
4. | 4 x038 male |
5. | 5 k000 female |
6. | 6 k000 unknown |
7. | 7 x038 unknown |
8. | 8 x038 unknown |
9. | 9 x035 unknown |
10. | 10 x040 unknown |
I am trying to generate a new variable call "event"
that will put a number to each same incident
like: incident x007 event 1
incident x038 event 2
incident k000 event 3
I tried using:
sort incident count
by incident: gen event = _n
but it gives only values to 1 to the first event and 0
to the rest.
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/