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Re: st: ado file location in Macintosh OS X
Thank you Michael! Yes, I had indeed not realized there are two "ado"
folders. As soon as I transfered my user-downloaded "plus" folder ado
files from "/applications/stata/ado" to "~ado/", it works perfectly.
Thank you for your clear explanation of the directory structure. That
made all the difference.
All the best,
UPDATES: /Applications/Stata/ado/updates/
BASE: /Applications/Stata/ado/base/
SITE: /Applications/Stata/ado/site/
PLUS: ~/ado/plus/
These are in the Stata folder that is located in the
Applications folder, correct? In typical Unix fashion (since Mac OS
X is a BSD-Unix variant), this folder (aka directory) is
That is what is listed as your "STATA" directory by -sysdir-.
[Aside: in Mac OS X, / is the "root" directory on your Mac,
which typically is represented in the Finder by your hard drive
icon. (If you are switching from Windows, it is roughly analogous
to the C:\ directory.) Typical subdirectories are /Applications,
/Library, /Users, and /System. Stata (the program) in installed in
Stata (the folder), which is located in Applications (another
folder). Programs like Stata are typically installed in
/Applications so that they are available to all users of your Mac.]
Within /Users, there are at least two subdirectories:
/Shared and your personal user directory, which for the sake of
argument I'll presume is named "michael". In Unix parlance, your
personal user directory is your home directory, which is denoted as
~. Hence, any directory that begins with a tilde is actually a
subdirectory of /Users/michael. For example, -sysdir- indicates
that your PLUS directory is located in ~/ado/plus/ -- that is,
When I ask Stata to examine the directories, I see:
. sysdir
STATA: /Applications/Stata/
UPDATES: /Applications/Stata/ado/updates/
BASE: /Applications/Stata/ado/base/
SITE: /Applications/Stata/ado/site/
PLUS: ~/ado/plus/
PERSONAL: ~/ado/personal/
OLDPLACE: ~/ado/
However, there is no <plus>, where ado files which I've downloaded,
for example -metan-.
I'm not sure I follow. If you use -ssc install- or -net
install-, these files will be placed in your PLUS directory:
~/ado/plus/, or equivalently, /Users/michael/ado/plus/. Does that
work for you?
Notice there are two different "ado" folders: one in
/Applications/Stata/, and a second in ~/ado/. This set-up mirrors
the arrangement on the standard installation on a PC (IIRC), which
places one ado folder (for BASE and UPDATES) at C:\Program
Files\Stata9\ and another (where your PLUS and PERSONAL ado files
reside) at C:\ado\.
And, if I copy the <plus> directory from my PC to the Mac under
<plus>, none of the ado files which I've downloaded are visible.
Hmm, I'm puzzled: in the previous sentence you said there
was no PLUS directory, but now you say you have copied your PC files
your Mac under the PLUS directory. Without a better idea of exactly
what you have done, I am going to guess that one of the following
has happened:
1. You copied your PC "plus" folder into
/Applications/Stata/ado/ -- beside the /Applications/Stata/ado/base/
and /Applications/Stata/ado/updates/ folders. That won't work,
because Stata is not looking there for its PLUS directory.
2. You copied your PC "plus" folder into /Users/michael/ado/
(the correct location according to -sysdir-), but the line endings
are PC (CR/LF) instead of Mac (CR) or Unix (LF). However, that
would probably result in an execution error rather than a "not
found" error.
3. You copied your PC "plus" folder into /Users/michael/ado/,
but permissions somehow were not set correctly. If you know
something about working with Unix permissions, you can fix this
easily with Terminal.app. Otherwise, you should be able to fix it
by selecting the "plus" folder and selecting "Get Info..." from the
contextual menu (right-click or control-click on the folder icon),
then selecting "Read & Write" for your "Ownership & Permission"
settings at the bottom of the "plus Info" window.
Based on what you've written, I would put a very high prior
possibility on #1 being the source of your problem, and a
vanishingly small probability on #3. It is not clear to me whether
#2 is going to be a problem or not, because I have never attempted
to move ado files across platforms. While it may not seem
efficient, I would recommend using -adoupdate- to get a list of ado
files installed on your PC, then installing fresh copies on your
Mac. It's a bit of a pain to do that set-up the first time, but
subsequently you can keep both machines up-to-date (if desired) with
regular use of -adoupdate-. In my opinion, that is a lot easier
than copying .ado and .hlp files back and forth across machines.
Hope this helps.
-- Mike
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