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st: ado file location in Macintosh OS X

From   Michael McCulloch <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: ado file location in Macintosh OS X
Date   Fri, 2 Feb 2007 17:54:54 -0800

I've migrated to the Mac, and located my ado file location. Within directory <ado> are two subdirectories:
When I ask Stata to examine the directories, I see:

. sysdir
STATA: /Applications/Stata/
UPDATES: /Applications/Stata/ado/updates/
BASE: /Applications/Stata/ado/base/
SITE: /Applications/Stata/ado/site/
PLUS: ~/ado/plus/
PERSONAL: ~/ado/personal/
OLDPLACE: ~/ado/

However, there is no <plus>, where ado files which I've downloaded, for example -metan-.
And, if I copy the <plus> directory from my PC to the Mac under <plus>, none of the ado files which I've downloaded are visible.

Could anyone suggest a solution?

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