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[no subject]

I've exhausted all the tricks I could think of to handle this and
would appreciate any pointers from the graphing pros.  There *should*
be a way of doing this without resorting to some horrible hack.

David Elliott MD, MSc
Nova Scotia Department of Health


To further illustrate with some ascii art (must be pasted and viewed
as monospaced text)

+---Graph 1------------------+
|                            |
|   50+------------------+   |
|     |                  |   |
|     |  Plot 1          |   |
|     |                  |   |
|     |                  |   |
|   25|                  |   |
|     |                  |   |
|     |                  |   |
|     |                  |   |
|     |                  |   |
|    0+------------------+   |
|                            |

+---Graph 2------------------+
|                            |
|   300+-----------------+   |
|      |                 |   |
|   200| Plot 2          |   |
|      |                 |   |
|   100|                 |   |
|      |                 |   |
|     0+-----------------+   |
|                            |

|                            |
|  50+------------------+    |
|    |                  |    |
|    |  Plot 1          |    |
|    |                  |    |
|  25|                  |    |
|    |                  |    |
|    |                  |    |
|    |                  |    |
|   0+------------------+    |
|                            |
|  300+-----------------+    |
|  200| Plot 2          |    |
|  100|                 |    |
|    0+-----------------+    |
|                            |
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