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st: univariate median with pweights - is it possible?

From   ROBERT BOZICK <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: univariate median with pweights - is it possible?
Date   Tue, 30 Jan 2007 16:29:02 -0500


I need to do something simple, but having a hard time figuring it out.  Hopefully someone can help me.  I need to estimate a median for a continuous variable (occtotal) using pweight (weight1).   I tried using the command:

summarize occtotal [pweight= weight1]

Stata tells me:

pweight not allowed

The only way I can get the median using the weights is to produce a weighted frequency distribution and then figuring out the median.  I have to do this for a large number of variables and it will be too cumbersome.

Is it possible to produce a weighted median in Stata?

Thanks in advance,

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