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st: Lag lengh for dfuller test; arima identification based on correlogram

From   <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Lag lengh for dfuller test; arima identification based on correlogram
Date   Tue, 9 Jan 2007 18:03:43 +0100

Hi there,

I would be grateful for advice on how to choose the "right" lag length when
carrying a augmented Dfuller test. What I have been doing so far is to carry
a DFgls and then, use the recommended lag length from that to carry the Df

As below:

 dfgls ukequity
DF-GLS for ukequity                                      Number of obs =
Maxlag = 16 chosen by Schwert criterion
               DF-GLS tau      1% Critical       5% Critical      10%
  [lags]     Test Statistic        Value             Value             Value
    16           -1.756           -3.480            -2.812            -2.531
    15           -1.825           -3.480            -2.819            -2.538
    14           -1.970           -3.480            -2.825            -2.544
    13           -1.952           -3.480            -2.832            -2.550
    12           -2.069           -3.480            -2.839            -2.556
    11           -2.265           -3.480            -2.845            -2.562
    10           -2.424           -3.480            -2.851            -2.567
    9            -2.589           -3.480            -2.857            -2.573
    8            -2.888           -3.480            -2.863            -2.578
    7            -3.410           -3.480            -2.869            -2.583
    6            -3.675           -3.480            -2.874            -2.588
    5            -4.062           -3.480            -2.880            -2.593
    4            -4.646           -3.480            -2.885            -2.598
    3            -5.555           -3.480            -2.890            -2.602
    2            -6.964           -3.480            -2.894            -2.606
    1            -9.277           -3.480            -2.899            -2.610
Opt Lag (Ng-Perron seq t) = 15 with RMSE  .0463504
Min SC   = -5.943121 at lag  4 with RMSE  .0488832
Min MAIC = -5.969767 at lag 16 with RMSE  .0462955

. dfuller ukequity, trend regress lags(15)

Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root         Number of obs   =

                               ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller
                  Test         1% Critical       5% Critical      10%
               Statistic           Value             Value             Value
 Z(t)             -4.528            -3.988            -3.428
MacKinnon approximate p-value for Z(t) = 0.0014

D.ukequity   |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf.
    ukequity |
         L1. |  -1.260002    .278274    -4.53   0.000    -1.807702
         LD. |   .2516197   .2681984     0.94   0.349    -.2762502
        L2D. |   .1797329   .2590063     0.69   0.488     -.330045
        L3D. |   .1392168   .2489641     0.56   0.576    -.3507959
        L4D. |   .1102949   .2379413     0.46   0.643    -.3580227
        L5D. |   .0961308   .2262593     0.42   0.671    -.3491941
        L6D. |   .0707118   .2145085     0.33   0.742    -.3514853
        L7D. |   .0218922   .2017615     0.11   0.914     -.375216
        L8D. |   -.044679   .1867235    -0.24   0.811    -.4121894
        L9D. |   .0107564   .1716596     0.06   0.950    -.3271051
       L10D. |   .0347913   .1566438     0.22   0.824     -.273516
       L11D. |   .0149585   .1410219     0.11   0.916    -.2626016
       L12D. |   .0054756   .1234088     0.04   0.965    -.2374185
       L13D. |   .0324817   .1039914     0.31   0.755    -.1721949
       L14D. |   .0484601   .0822194     0.59   0.556    -.1133647
       L15D. |  -.0409168   .0577236    -0.71   0.479    -.1545288
      _trend |   -.000059   .0000333    -1.77   0.078    -.0001246
       _cons |   .0253424   .0082827     3.06   0.002     .0090403

. dfuller ukequity, trend regress lags(4)

Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for unit root         Number of obs   =

                               ---------- Interpolated Dickey-Fuller
                  Test         1% Critical       5% Critical      10%
               Statistic           Value             Value             Value
 Z(t)             -8.538            -3.987            -3.427
MacKinnon approximate p-value for Z(t) = 0.0000

D.ukequity   |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf.
    ukequity |
         L1. |  -1.162101   .1361069    -8.54   0.000    -1.429907
         LD. |   .1509211    .119604     1.26   0.208    -.0844143
        L2D. |   .0697618   .1011059     0.69   0.491    -.1291763
        L3D. |   .0220896   .0798874     0.28   0.782    -.1350985
        L4D. |   .0045536    .056008     0.08   0.935    -.1056489
      _trend |  -.0000637   .0000289    -2.20   0.028    -.0001206
       _cons |   .0253618   .0060062     4.22   0.000     .0135438

My second question involves how to identify an ARIMA process by looking the
associated correlogram (see below)

Thank you very much in advance

Jose Seisdedos

 corrgram  ukbond

                                          -1       0       1 -1       0
 LAG       AC       PAC      Q     Prob>Q  [Autocorrelation]  [Partial
1        0.0023   0.0023   .00177  0.9664          |                  |

2        0.0365   0.0365   .43703  0.8037          |                  |

3       -0.0464  -0.0466   1.1418  0.7670          |                  |

4       -0.0138  -0.0150   1.2047  0.8773          |                  |

5        0.0153   0.0189   1.2819  0.9368          |                  |

6        0.0215   0.0203   1.4353  0.9637          |                  |

7       -0.0031  -0.0062   1.4385  0.9844          |                  |

8       -0.0491  -0.0490   2.2426  0.9727          |                  |

9        0.0319   0.0353   2.5821  0.9786          |                  |

10       0.0061   0.0093   2.5944  0.9894          |                  |

11       0.0908   0.0842    5.367  0.9121          |                  |

12      -0.0275  -0.0287   5.6229  0.9339          |                  |

13      -0.0036  -0.0044   5.6273  0.9587          |                  |

14      -0.0638  -0.0550   7.0115  0.9343          |                  |

15      -0.0644  -0.0633   8.4262  0.9056          |                  |

16      -0.0547  -0.0585   9.4488  0.8938          |                  |

17      -0.0500  -0.0491   10.305  0.8903          |                  |

18       0.0662   0.0648   11.813  0.8567          |                  |

19       0.0318   0.0404   12.162  0.8786          |                  |

20       0.0173   0.0010   12.265  0.9066          |                  |

21      -0.0605  -0.0592   13.539  0.8886          |                  |

22      -0.0124  -0.0195   13.593  0.9153          |                  |

23       0.1074   0.1186   17.631  0.7772          |                  |

24      -0.0061  -0.0136   17.644  0.8199          |                  |

25       0.0467   0.0529   18.414  0.8243          |                  |

26       0.0163   0.0482   18.508  0.8565          |                  |

27      -0.0282  -0.0220   18.791  0.8775          |                  |

28      -0.0186  -0.0285   18.913  0.9008          |                  |

29      -0.0216  -0.0409   19.079  0.9192          |                  |

30       0.1284   0.1250   24.986  0.7257          |-                 |-

31       0.0719   0.0767   26.842  0.6801          |                  |

32      -0.0653  -0.0731    28.38  0.6505          |                  |

33      -0.0792  -0.0734   30.647  0.5848          |                  |

34       0.0225   0.0254   30.832  0.6237          |                  |

35       0.0050   0.0140   30.841  0.6692          |                  |

36       0.0336   0.0055   31.255  0.6937          |                  |

37       0.0384   0.0428   31.796  0.7114          |                  |

38      -0.0358  -0.0144   32.268  0.7311          |                  |

39      -0.0117  -0.0000   32.319  0.7667          |                  |

40      -0.0376  -0.0313   32.844  0.7816          |                  |

. corrgram   ukequity

                                          -1       0       1 -1       0
 LAG       AC       PAC      Q     Prob>Q  [Autocorrelation]  [Partial
1        0.0019   0.0019   .00114  0.9730          |                  |

2       -0.0696  -0.0697   1.5874  0.4522          |                  |

3       -0.0356  -0.0354   2.0029  0.5718          |                  |

4       -0.0017  -0.0059   2.0038  0.7351          |                  |

5        0.0156   0.0110   2.0845  0.8373          |                  |

6       -0.0200  -0.0220   2.2163  0.8988          |                  |

7       -0.0326  -0.0321   2.5686  0.9218          |                  |

8       -0.0399  -0.0434   3.1001  0.9279          |                  |

9        0.0881   0.0836   5.6975  0.7698          |                  |

10       0.0492   0.0415   6.5098  0.7708          |                  |

11      -0.0267  -0.0190   6.7504  0.8189          |                  |

12      -0.0016   0.0094   6.7513  0.8736          |                  |

13       0.0378   0.0402   7.2356  0.8896          |                  |

14       0.0346   0.0323   7.6422  0.9071          |                  |

15      -0.0714  -0.0701   9.3815  0.8567          |                  |

16       0.0421   0.0554   9.9861  0.8674          |                  |

17       0.0058   0.0080   9.9975  0.9037          |                  |

18       0.0590   0.0611   11.196  0.8858          |                  |

19      -0.0060  -0.0117   11.209  0.9166          |                  |

20      -0.0634  -0.0517   12.604  0.8937          |                  |

21      -0.0206  -0.0178   12.752  0.9171          |                  |

22       0.0729   0.0671   14.605  0.8786          |                  |

23       0.0616   0.0453   15.934  0.8581          |                  |

24       0.0435   0.0634   16.597  0.8653          |                  |

25       0.0155   0.0309   16.682  0.8930          |                  |

26       0.0072   0.0138     16.7  0.9179          |                  |

27       0.0262   0.0213   16.943  0.9325          |                  |

28       0.0769   0.0783   19.046  0.8967          |                  |

29       0.0273   0.0436   19.311  0.9131          |                  |

30       0.0433   0.0713   19.982  0.9170          |                  |

31      -0.0756  -0.0659   22.038  0.8818          |                  |

32      -0.0421  -0.0451   22.676  0.8883          |                  |

33       0.0141   0.0066   22.747  0.9097          |                  |

34       0.0871   0.0845   25.505  0.8528          |                  |

35       0.0175   0.0118   25.617  0.8768          |                  |

36      -0.0274  -0.0218   25.891  0.8934          |                  |

37      -0.0503  -0.0543    26.82  0.8914          |                  |

38      -0.0183  -0.0401   26.944  0.9097          |                  |

39      -0.0533  -0.0827   27.993  0.9049          |                  |

40      -0.0608  -0.0858   29.366  0.8921          |                  |

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