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st: Christmas present

From   "Ben Jann" <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Christmas present
Date   Wed, 20 Dec 2006 18:42:17 +0100

Here's my Christmas present for you:

A new package called -adolist- is available from my

-adolist- introduces the concept of ado package lists
to Stata (welcome to iStata).

For example, you can create a package list from all
packages installed on your system and then use the
list to install the same packages to another system.

Or you can put together a list of your favorite user
ados and share it with others.

To describe or install the package, type

. net from

and then click on "adolist" and follow the instructions
on screen.

Alternatively, type

. net install adolist, from(

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