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Re: st: Heckprobit or Heckman Selection model (ML)?

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Heckprobit or Heckman Selection model (ML)?
Date   Wed, 20 Dec 2006 17:47:54 +0100

use heckprob if your depende var is binary and heckman is not, the other ways is to estimate the probit about the participation and after calculated the lambda(inv. mill) and put its in a Ls model.
I hope is useful

Quoting GJIPALI Arsena <[email protected]>:


Doing my estimations on labour market returns to education, I am facing
two concerns.

1) I have a very low value of R square (18%) for the earnings equation
with OLS technique.

2) I want to estimate the probability of being in employment, accounting
for participation in the labour force.
I am applying the Heckman selection model (ML) wchich provides the
inverse Mill's Ratio calculation for the selection bias of participation
in the labour force. STATA also provides estimation of HeckProbit. I
want to be assured that the former model is the one appropriate for me,
given the censoring because of the effect of education on the labour
force participation and than in employment likelihood.
Similar to this, I also estimate the probability of being enrolled
in tertiary education of the group age 19-22. However, these are to be
selected from the pool of young that have completed upper secondary.
Hence, I am in a dilemma, whether I should choose the Heckman selection
model (ML) or the HeckProbit.
What would be the commands for the partial effects in these models?
And what about any diagnostic tests?

Thank you in advance,


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