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st: -xtabond2: new paper and feature

From   Marcello Pagano <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -xtabond2: new paper and feature
Date   Wed, 06 Dec 2006 12:45:20 -0500

From: David Roodman ([email protected])
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 11:04 AM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: xtabond2: new paper and feature

I am happy to announce the release of a paper on xtabond2, which is intended as a pedagogic introduction to linear GMM, the difference and system GMM estimators, and xtabond2 (as well as abar). I do hope readers will scour it for errors and confusing bits and send me suggestions. The working paper is at It is the substance behind the “How to Do xtabond2” PowerPoint presentation on RePec, from last summer’s Stata users group meeting in Boston (

Also, the latest version of xtabond2 does forward orthogonal deviations. Thanks to Kit Baum and Oleksandr Talavera for persuading me to do this. “Forward orthogonal deviations,” proposed by Arellano and Bover (1995), is an alternative transformation to the usual differencing, which also purges fixed effects. Instead of subtracting the previous observation, it subtracts the average of future available observations. The main advantage is that it preserves sample size in panels with gaps. Under differencing, if some x_it is missing, then both D.x_it and D.x_i,t+1 are missing. But under orthogonal deviations, the transformed x_i,t+1 need not go missing.

At this point, the orthogonal deviations feature is available only in the Mata version of xtabond2, which automatically runs in Stata 9, but not in Stata 8 or earlier. Just put “orthog” in the command line after the comma.

Get the latest version by typing “ssc install xtabond2, replace”. Or, install and use the new adoupdate command (start with “findit adoupdate”) which can automatically download updates for all the user-written commands you have installed.

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