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st: coefficients of implausible magnitude in ivprobit

From   Alejandro Delafuente <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: coefficients of implausible magnitude in ivprobit
Date   Wed, 06 Dec 2006 17:22:21 +0000

Hello statalisters, am trying to estimate an ivprobit through maximum 
likelihood: ivprobit dependent_var a b c (endogenous_var= d e d*b e*c)
I have a group of instruments two of which stand alone and another two have 
been interacted with some variables from my group of exogenous regressors. 
Some of my marginal effects have an implausible magnitude, in particular the 
instrumented variable (ie, 4.8). Could someone explain to me the reason for 
this inflated effects?

I also tried to reestimate the above model in a two-step fashion:
ivprobit dependent_var a b c (endogenous_var= d e d*b e*c), twostep
Then again I obtained high magnitudes in the marginal effects of my 
instrumented regressor. 
I did the two-step estimation manually, first, regressing my endogenous var on 
my set of instruments and the other exogenous regressors, then I predict the 
values and fit them into the probit. This time the coefficient of my regressors 
gave more plausible marginal effects. For instance, the marginal effect on my 
instrumented variable is 0.44). Obviously the manual procedure and Stata are 
not doing the same thing, but not sure why. I can only think on the lack of 
adjusment of the variance-covariance matrix in the manual procedure, but that 
should only affect the standard errors, isn't it?

P.S.: A last bit of information is that my endogenous variable was generated 
through a regression with some of the coefficients that are also included in 
the probit model. Could this explain part of the inflated marginal effects in 
both of my ivprobit estimations.
Many thanks,

Alejandro de la Fuente
Department of International Development/QEH
University of Oxford, Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TB
Tel: 01865 281836

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