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st: Bonferroni and Sidak adjusted p-values

From   "Steichen, Thomas J." <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Bonferroni and Sidak adjusted p-values
Date   Tue, 7 Nov 2006 10:47:22 -0500


I have noted on a number of occasions that the Bonferroni and Sidak 
adjusted p-values from multiple comparisons by the -oneway- command 
differ slightly (but more than simple rounding error) from what my 
hand calculations suggest. Has anyone else noted this?

I'll give some example output below (using Sidak adjustment) and 
also show my hand calculations: 

.. oneway vol id, sidak t

            |         Summary of Volume
         ID |        Mean   Std. Dev.       Freq.
         AA |   934.42349   207.71981         132
         AB |     953.325   201.66785         140
         AC |   1049.2007   232.39271         137
         AD |   1003.5008   212.34701         132
         AE |   931.34357   193.50937         140
         AF |   856.44392   183.51134         148
      Total |   953.14089   213.68692         829

                      Analysis of Variance
    Source            SS         df      MS          F     Prob > F
Between groups    3095545.81      5   619109.162   14.68     0.0000
 Within groups    34712674.1    823   42178.2188
    Total         37808219.9    828   45662.1013

Bartlett's test for equal variances: chi2(5) = 9.3237 Prob>chi2 = 0.097

                          Comparison of Volume by ID
Row Mean-|
Col Mean |         AA         AB         AC         AD         AE
      AB |    18.9015
         |      1.000
      AC |    114.777    95.8757
         |      0.000      0.002
      AD |    69.0773    50.1758      -45.7
         |      0.092      0.494      0.655
      AE |   -3.07991   -21.9814   -117.857   -72.1572
         |      1.000      0.999      0.000      0.057
      AF |   -77.9796   -96.8811   -192.757   -147.057   -74.8997
         |      0.023      0.001      0.000      0.000      0.030

As an example, calculate p for the AD-AA comparison (shown as 
0.092 above).

First, calculate t as t = diff / (s * sqrt( 1/n1 + 1/n4))
   where diff is in the above table, s = sqrt(within MS) and
         n1 and n4 are the Freq's from the first table above.

.. di 69.0773 / (sqrt(42178.2188) * sqrt(1/132 +1/132))

Now calculate 1-tailed t probability

.. di ttail(132+132-2, 2.7325191)

Note: there are n = 15 comparisons to be adjusted for

Calculate Sidak adjustment (using 2-tailed probability)

.. di min(1, 1 - (1 - .00335642 * 2)^15)

Note: this differs from the reported 0.092

Calculate Bonferroni adjustment (using 2-tailed probability)

.. di min(1, .00335642*2*15)

Note: the Bonferroni adjusted p is reported as 0.096

Calculate Scheffe adjustment (using t value)

.. di  Ftail(5,823,(2.7325191^2)/5)

Note: the Scheffe adjusted p is reported as 0.189
      (this one is usually OK within round-off)

If someone can confirm this problem -- or point out the
error in my calculations -- I would appreciate it.


Thomas J. Steichen
[email protected]

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