> Good morning,
> Could anybody advise me how to translate the following do if-condition from SPSS to STATA? I tried to use replace (but it did not work the way I tried to). Could I use if> ...> else if> ...> else?
> Thanx for your help!
> Julia
> ****
> Here is the original spss-syntax:
> compute hrolle=caseid/100000.
> exec.
> do if hrolle<200.
> compute hrolle=hrolle-100.
> else.
> compute hrolle=hrolle-200.
> end if.
> exec.
> do if hrolle<20.
> compute hrolle=hrolle-10.
> else if hrolle < 30.
> compute hrolle=hrolle-20.
> else.
> compute hrolle=hrolle-30.
> end if.
> exec.
> compute rolle=trunc(hrolle).
> exec.
> formats rolle (F1).
> Exec.
> And the failed version in stata with replace:
> ***
> gen hrolle=caseid/100000
> replace hrolle=hrolle-100 if hrolle<200
> replace hrolle=hrolle-200 if hrolle>=200
> replace hrolle=hrolle-10 if hrolle<20
> replace hrolle=hrolle-20 if hrolle<30
> replace hrolle=hrolle-30 if hrolle>=30
> gen rolle=trunc(hrolle)
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