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Re: st: Stata 9 --> sepov is not recongnizing the svyset variables. Any ideas?

From   [email protected] (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata 9 --> sepov is not recongnizing the svyset variables. Any ideas?
Date   Thu, 19 Oct 2006 14:03:04 -0500

Anna Gueorguieva <[email protected]> is using the user-written -sepov-
command in Stata 9:

> Switching to stata 9 problem: I need your help to figure out what is going
> wrong now that I am using stata 9 (just switched two weeks ago, yay!!!) with
> my old code.
> Basically, the command sepov which estimates poverty indices taking into
> account survey design effects does not preserve the strata and the psu after
> svyset (and in 8 it was no problem). 
> Here is what I get:
> *FIRST stata is reading correctly my variables for the survey set up
> svyset [pw=repweight_s], strata(strata_unique)  psu(psu) fpc(fpc)|| _n
>       pweight: repweight_s
>           VCE: linearized
>      Strata 1: strata_unique
>          SU 1: psu
>         FPC 1: fpc
>      Strata 2: <one>
>          SU 2: <observations>
>         FPC 2: <zero>
> . 
> *WHEN I CALL THE COMMAND sepov, however, it does not show strata
> . 
> . sepov real_totc_per_ae [pw=repweight_s], p(povline_m) subpop(wave2)
> Poverty measures for the variable real_totc_per_ae: (unlabeled)
> Survey mean estimation
> pweight:  repweight_s                             Number of obs    =      4785
> Strata:   <one>                                   Number of strata =         1
> PSU:      <observations>                          Number of PSUs   =      4785
> Subpop.:  ==1                                     Population size  = 3639689.6
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Mean |   Estimate    Std. Err.   [95% Conf. Interval]        Deff
> ---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------
>       p0 |   .4513918    .0154961    .4210124    .4817712    2.318254
>       p1 |   .1225897    .0053558    .1120899    .1330895    2.152049
>       p2 |   .0468943    .0026791    .0416422    .0521465    1.932348
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Has anybody dealt with this yet? How do I fix this?

The -sepov- command is using -svymean- to perform its calculations, and
-svymean- does not recognize the modern -svyset- characteristics.  This means
that -sepov- will only be able to handle survey design settings that were
allowed prior to Stata 9, until someone updates -sepov- to use -svy: mean-
instead of -svymean-.  I believe Nick Cox already replied to Anna with some
suggestions for improving/updating -sepov- in this way.

If Anna does not need the new -svy- features in Stata 9, she can call -svyset-
under version 8.2 control to set the characteristics that -svymean- will
recognize without having to modify -sepov-.

Using Anna's example above--and dropping the FPC and second stage--the call to
-svyset- would look like:

	version 8.2: svyset [pw=repweight_s], strata(strata_unique) psu(psu)

The call to -sepov- remains unchanged.

[email protected]
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