Dear Statalist Brainiacs :),
Switching to stata 9 problem: I need your help to figure out what is going wrong now that I am using stata 9 (just switched two weeks ago, yay!!!) with my old code.
Basically, the command sepov which estimates poverty indices taking into account survey design effects does not preserve the strata and the psu after svyset (and in 8 it was no problem).
Here is what I get:
*FIRST stata is reading correctly my variables for the survey set up
svyset [pw=repweight_s], strata(strata_unique) psu(psu) fpc(fpc)|| _n
pweight: repweight_s
VCE: linearized
Strata 1: strata_unique
SU 1: psu
FPC 1: fpc
Strata 2: <one>
SU 2: <observations>
FPC 2: <zero>
*WHEN I CALL THE COMMAND sepov, however, it does not show strata
. sepov real_totc_per_ae [pw=repweight_s], p(povline_m) subpop(wave2)
Poverty measures for the variable real_totc_per_ae: (unlabeled)
Survey mean estimation
pweight: repweight_s Number of obs = 4785
Strata: <one> Number of strata = 1
PSU: <observations> Number of PSUs = 4785
Subpop.: ==1 Population size = 3639689.6
Mean | Estimate Std. Err. [95% Conf. Interval] Deff
p0 | .4513918 .0154961 .4210124 .4817712 2.318254
p1 | .1225897 .0053558 .1120899 .1330895 2.152049
p2 | .0468943 .0026791 .0416422 .0521465 1.932348
Has anybody dealt with this yet? How do I fix this?
Thank you in advance for your time and support!
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