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Re: st: Changing format of log files

From   n j cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Changing format of log files
Date   Tue, 10 Oct 2006 18:51:45 +0100

There are lots of ways to eliminate this character,
but it's not clear what kind of solution you want.

If you are converting the whole of a log file
to a do file, then you evidently need to
remove output as well as process command lines,
including re-combining lines split over several
physical lines. This would be most portable -- to
Stata users -- as a command based on -file-. I am not sure
that such a command exists although many of the
little tricks needed are imbedded within -log2html-
from SSC.

Alternatively, this is a problem that has been
tackled in the past using various scripting
languages, including Awk, Perl (probably), etc.

Yet again, many people might prefer to do
this within their own favourite text editors. A clever
regexp (regular expression) might do most of the work
in any editor that supports such.

Finally, the minimal task here is to see something you
want to re-use, but need to modify a bit, in which
case I guess many people copy and paste into -doedit-,
or their favourite text editor and hack around, and
then copy and paste into the Command window. As fixing
"> " is often the lesser part of the work, I am not
sure what recommendation to make.


I often re-use commands from old log files.  The problem with doing
this is that multi-line the commands contain a ">" character at the
start of each line.  Is there any way to eliminate this character
within a standard log file (rather than a command log)?

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