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st: xml_tab

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: xml_tab
Date   Fri, 1 Sep 2006 13:09:14 -0400

Amadou suggested that "xml_tab" in some way supersedes estout, outreg2, outreg, etc. I sincerely doubt that assertion. Programs such as outreg2 and estout, which I mentioned in my posting of SSC activity, handle estimation results, tables of descriptive statistics, and the like in a variety of formats, including HTML, tab- delimited text, and LaTeX. Ian Watson's -tabout- is another highly useful routine in this genre IMHO.

The description of "xml_tab" on EXTPROGRAMS/EXTPOVRES/0,,contentMDK:20292195~menuPK:546578~pagePK: 64168182~piPK:64168060~theSitePK:477894,00.html

states that "XML_TAB is a program that saves the outputs from Stata estimation procedures in Microsoft Excel."

This might be useful to some people, but many (including me) make no use of MS Excel in their scholarly or research work. estout, outreg2 and a number of other user-written procedures have options for tab- delimited output, which makes their output readable by MS Word or MS Excel for those that might want to use it.

I would speak more authoritatively about xml_tab, but for the fact that clicking on the web page above to get its help file yields

"Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at"

And within Stata, a "net from" command fails:

. net from
remote connection failed -- see help r(677) for troubleshooting either
1) is not a valid URL, or
2) could not be contacted, or
3) is not a Stata download site (has no stata.toc file).

The explicit command given on the web page above, indicating how to install xml_tab from their site, doesn't work either (generating the same error 677).

So I am not sure that the site is usable in its present form for those outside the World Bank. I can 'net from' a number of other sites without difficulty, so I imagine the problem is with the World Bank's firewall; like the IMF, they are (justifiably) security- conscious.

And 'findit xml_tab' doesn't...

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

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