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Re: st: responses to new users

From   SamL <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: responses to new users
Date   Mon, 17 Jul 2006 08:35:19 -0700 (PDT)

Well, let me apologize publicly.  It was not you, Marcello.  But someone
did make that threat, and they indicated they did have the power to follow
through.  I took them at their word.  I will not bore the list with
continued discussion of the particularities of my experience.  My general
observation, that many have criteria of what should and should not be on
the list remains.  And, I still hope this time this issue is resolved
openly, respectfully, and with care toward preserving the commons.

Sincerely and Respectfully yours,

On Mon, 17 Jul 2006, Marcello Pagano wrote:

> I am the only one who can throw you off of Statalist, and I don't
> remember threatening anyone.
> m.p.
> SamL wrote:
> >The issue of how to respond to people who send questions that by someone's
> >criterion do not belong on statalist is up again.  I wait with great
> >anticipation, and hope, that this issue will be resolved respectfully this
> >time.
> >
> >I say that because many people seem to have things they don't want to see
> >on the list.  I get frustrated when people ask questions about word
> >processing packages; I would think that should be sent to lists for those
> >packages.  But when I raised that issue, out of the legitimate concern
> >that such questions could take over the list and drive away the people who
> >answer the large majority of questions, I was berated for doing so.  Some
> >people seemed to think I had been particularly harsh when, I think, I was
> >trying to be clear, direct, and good-natured, too.  No one ever sent me a
> >note privately about their discomfort with my view or approach; had they
> >done so it would have allowed a reasonable, respectful resolution.
> >Instead, I was privately threatened with being thrown off statalist, by
> >the people who had the power to do so.
> >
> >Now, the issue of how to respond to people who send questions that by
> >someone's criterion do not belong on the list is up again, in another
> >form.  I wait with great anticipation, and hope, that this issue will be
> >resolved respectfully, publicly, and in the spirit of preserving "the
> >commons" this time.
> >
> >Sincerely and respectfully yours,
> >Sam
> >
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