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Re: st: responses to new users
Obviously questions come at different levels of subtleness.
Very often what could be seen as a software (stata) problem was rather a lack of proper supervision at the local institution. Supervision is at a very high level for the content question (e.g. a clinical medical problem), but could be lacking for the software related (e.g. Stata) problems.
A good solution is the creation of local "Stata NewComer lists" as was done here in Denmark for the students at local stata courses by the biostatistics department. We encourage in the teaching inexperienced Stata users to formulate their questions on this list (after having looked through help, FAQ lists etc.)
I am not sure of the existence of such NewComer lists in other places, but most likely it would help many new users who have questions which should be solved locally. The questions will repeat themselves by nature of the skills of the new users.
Jens Lauritsen
University of Southern Denmark
Odense University Hospital, Odense Denmark
fn:Jens Lauritsen
org:EpiData Association (Http://www.epidata.dk)
email;internet:[email protected]
title:MD,Phd. Coordinator and Initiator of EpiData Development