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Re: st: problem pasting into command window with latest Stata update (WinXP)

From   "Austin Nichols" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: problem pasting into command window with latest Stata update (WinXP)
Date   Thu, 13 Jul 2006 16:43:10 -0400

Nick W. et al.--
I couldn't agree more. More wishlist items: Not only should a
Shift-click in the Review window select all commands in between the
two anchors, but a series of Ctrl-clicks should enable you to select
an arbitrary list of commands, and a right-click on any selected
command should bring up a menu that offers "Save command(s) to file" &
"Copy command(s) to clipboard" & "Run command(s) now" in addition to
the existing options that operate on the entire contents of the

On 7/13/06, Nicholas Winter <[email protected]> wrote:
At 03:49 PM 7/13/2006, you wrote:
>Also, the usefulness of the Review window is something we are already taking a
>hard look at, but there is no reason why the selection shouldn't be retained
>between double-clicks. This will be fixed in the next executable update.

While you are looking hard at this: one thing I have always wanted is
the ability to select a range of commands in the review window, and
re-run them all in sequence.  (In many Windows settings, one could
expect to select the first command, then click on the last command
while holding the shift key, in order to select the range.)

--nick Winter

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