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st: XTTRANS: discrepancies in the number of observations

From   Carol Bao <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: XTTRANS: discrepancies in the number of observations
Date   Wed, 14 Jun 2006 11:07:41 -0700 (PDT)


I have a panel data and using XTTRANS command I get a
matrix as follows:

           |                   stat
      stat |         0          1          2         
3 |     Total
         0 |       843      1,989        139       
126 |     3,097
           |     27.22      64.22       4.49      
4.07 |    100.00
         1 |     1,294     13,259      1,987       
867 |    17,407
           |      7.43      76.17      11.41      
4.98 |    100.00
         2 |        99      1,547      1,271       
834 |     3,751
           |      2.64      41.24      33.88     
22.23 |    100.00
         3 |       127        837        693     
2,155 |     3,812
           |      3.33      21.96      18.18     
56.53 |    100.00
     Total |     2,363     17,632      4,090     
3,982 |    28,067
           |      8.42      62.82      14.57     
14.19 |    100.00

First of all, the total number of observations here,
28067 is not the same as (fewer than) the number of
observations for the sample if I do .sum.  Also, if I

. tab stat if lag==0;

       stat |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          0 |        946       27.59       27.59
          1 |      2,174       63.40       90.99
          2 |        166        4.84       95.83
          3 |        143        4.17      100.00
      Total |      3,429      100.00

The number of observations don't equal to the
corresponding ones in the first row of the matrix

I really appreciate it if anyone could kindly give me
some information or tips as to what I am missing here.
Each person has only one spell of observations on STAT
in the sample, though the numbers of observations per 
spell diff.

Thank you so much in advance,


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