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st: Stata Intercooled and memory requirements with micombine command

From   Suzy <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Stata Intercooled and memory requirements with micombine command
Date   Wed, 14 Jun 2006 14:06:17 -0400

I am attempting to conduct statistical analyses with m=10 imputations via the ICE and micombine commands. I've generated the imp.dta file just fine and can successfully upload it into Stata (slow ~ 1-2 minutes). I'm using the micombine command to generate a simple regression output - this works just fine with m=5 imputations. Stata cannot and/or will not run the analysis on my PC with m=10 imputations.

I have Stata intercooled - version 9.2 fully updated.

My PC has 512mb RAM with virtual memory option. I've tried my best to optimize my PC performance settings, though I'm not sure if my settings are truly optimizing performance.

In Stata, I've adjusted the memory for 600m, matsize 800, dropped all unnecessary variables and compressed the rest. In other words, I "think" I've maximized Stata intercooled performance.

I ran a describe, short on the imputation dataset: imp.dta:

observations: 231,044
# var: 533
Size: 268,704,172 [57.3% memory free]

I have never had any performance problems for pictures, graphics, videos, movies, or any analysis with Stata.

I would appreciate any help on optimizing my PC and Stata intercooled performance for analysing m=10 or more imputations.

I sincerely hope I'm not doomed to needing to increase RAM or update to Stata SE. Those are not viable options for me at this time!

Thanks for any help!


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