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Re: st: Contextual analysis

From   Sebastian Baumeister <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Contextual analysis
Date   Fri, 09 Jun 2006 17:36:02 +0200

The Rabe-Hesketh&Skrondal (RHS) book on multilevel and gee modelling is rather applied and does not explain the background. You may read the section on intraclass correlation in RHS page 8 or Snijders&Bosker(1999) Multilevel Analysis. chap. 3

I found these sources helpful as well:
- Localio AR, Berlin JA, Ten Have TR, Kimmel SE. “Adjustments for Center in Multicenter Studies: An Overview.” Annals of Internal Medicine 2001; 135:112-123


Fernando Augusto Proietti schrieb:

Dear Sebastian and Anders,

Thank you for your answer. I have the book you mentioned.

To give you more information. My data is cross-sectional. I am planning in the future, to conducted some multilevel (2 levels) analysis.

Right now, I am planning to conduct "contextual analysis", something like that:

Self-rated health ( 3 categories) = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5

Where, for example,

x1 = age of the participant

x2 = sex of the participant

x3 = individual income

x4 = Average income for the Census tract i

x5 = ratio male:female, census tract i

Actually, what I will be doing is to append characteristics of the groups to which individuals belong to an individual level analysis.

As I wrote in the previous e-mail, I am looking for some Stata routine that are able to deal with what some authors report as " the residual correlation between outcomes within groups that may persist after accounting for individual-level and group-level variables included in the analysis" (For example: Kawachi I, Berkman L. Neighborhood and health. Chapter 3: The
examination of neighborhood effects on health: conceptual and methodological issues related to the presence of multiple levels of organization. Oxford University Press,. 2003).

If you could direct me to any chapter in the Rabe-Hesketh and Skrondal book would be super !

Thanks in advance,

Fernando A Proietti

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