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Re: st: Survey data: how to assign mother's age to child?

From   [email protected] (William Gould, Stata)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Survey data: how to assign mother's age to child?
Date   Thu, 08 Jun 2006 13:45:07 -0500

Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]> has the following data:

        hh   id   sex   age   mid   fid
        1     1     1    30     .     .
        1     2     2    30     .     .
        1     3     1     5     2     1
        2     1     1    30     .     .
        2     3     2     5     2     1

In this data, mid id the id-within-hh of the mother.

Friedrich wants to add new variable mage, the age of the mother, so that 
we would have 

        hh   id   sex   age   mid   fid   mage
        1     1     1    30     .     .     .
        1     2     2    30     .     .     .
        1     3     1     5     2     1    30
        2     1     1    30     .     .     .
        2     3     2     5     2     1     .   <- mage=. because id=2
                                                   does not exist

The solution is to create a dataset containing hh, id, and age, and 
then to merge to obtain mother's age.

Call the original data master.dta.

First, I verify something Friedrich has implied:

        . use master, clear 
        . assert hh!=. 
        . assert pid!=.
        . sort hh pid
        . by hh pid: assert _n==1

That out of the way, I create the data that I will use to merge.
In this dataset, everybody is a potential mother:

        . use master, clear 
        . keep hh id age
        . rename id mid
        . rename age mage 
        . sort hh mid
        . save tomerge, replace

Now I merge the original dataset with the data I just created.  I merge on hh
and mid, and I keep only the original observations.  Note that this is a
potentially a many-one merge, because more than one child in a household 
can have the same mother.  There's nothing special I need to do, however.

        . use master, clear 
        . sort hh mid
        . merge hh mid using tomerge, nokeep
        . drop _merge 
        . sort hh id              // put data back in original order

I'm done, except to clean up, 

        . erase tomerge.dta

-- Bill
[email protected]
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