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st: Hausman,Binary dependent variable models,Panel

From   Javier GUTI�RREZ - URV <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Hausman,Binary dependent variable models,Panel
Date   Mon, 08 May 2006 12:08:50 +0200

Hello Stata Users,

Right now, I'm writing my Ph.D thesis -it goes about the effects of labour market training aimed the unemployed in Spain- and have some doubts -due to my great ignorance on econometrics and Stata 9- I hope you can help me:

1. Is it correct to use Hausman test in a binary dependent variable model for panel data in Stata as we do with xtreg models? I've found a lot of examples of applications of xtreg and hausman test -to determine the convenience of fixed or random effects- on the web but no one that states the validity of using the Hausman test command after executing "xtlogit, fe" and "xtlogit, re" commands.

2. It's there a command in Stata that solves heterokedasticity and autocorrelation problems -like the xtpcse command for panel data linear models- for binary dependent variable models in panel data?

Thank you for reading this,
Javier Guti�rrez
Department of Economics
Rovira i Virgili University
Catalunya (Spain)

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