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Re: st: -mfx- after poisson
Dear Richard,
Both links are extremely relevant to my problem. Thank you for
On Apr 29, 2006, at 4:52 PM, Richard Williams wrote:
At 02:32 PM 4/29/2006, you wrote:
I have a balanced panel of 3 years with approximately 800 individuals
in each year (thus 2400 observations more or less). I ran a poisson
MLE with clustered and robust standard error correction. There were
several variables as regressors, but three worth mentioning (because
I think they are causing the problem) are
That is, I am controlling for year, state and state-year fixed
effects, and am using xi:poisson.
Some suggestions:
1) Those interaction terms may cause you grief no matter what you
do. See
2) Use the -nose- option on mfx. mfx runs much quicker if you
don't calculate standard errors. Other speeding up suggestions are at
3) Download and try -margeff-. It doesn't work with every command,
but when it does work it tends to be much quicker than -mfx-. It
will also let you save the marginal effects in a format that is
easy to input into -estout-. Its -dummies- option might be a way
of dealing with your interactions.
4) Yes, prchange is often a very good alternative to -mfx-. That
might be the route I would go.
5) Try -findit marginal effects- to see if something else seems to
meet your needs.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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