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Re: st: appropriate survival analysis

From   "Jamie Griffin" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: appropriate survival analysis
Date   Tue, 25 Apr 2006 17:44:01 +0100

-stcox- and -streg- do not handle interval-censored data.
The user-written program -intcens- can fit parametric models to
interval-censored (or right- or left-censored) data. The program -stpm-
fits flexible proportional hazards or proportional odds models and can
also deal with interval-censored data.
Type the following commands to see where you can download the

ssc describe intcens
findit stpm

Jamie Griffin.

>>> [email protected] 04/23/06 11:14 pm >>>
Hello.  I am fairly new to STATA and am attempting to figure out the
most appropriate survival analytic technique for my data.  I have a
dichotomous predictor variable and several dichotomous and continuous
covariates, all of which were measured upon entry into the study, and
then one , dichotomous dependent variable assessed at baseline and 1,3,
and 5 years following the study.  It has been suggested that I use the
stcox model.  However, I have read through the STATA materials and it is
still unclear to me whether whether stcox can accomodate
interval-censored data, or whether I must use another type of survival
analytic technique.   Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 
Thank you,

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