I'm trying to create a graph to display the following
I have two outcomes - outcome1 and outcome2. I have
the same three categories for each outcome - low,
middle and high. Each category has an odds ratio and a
95% confidence interval.
I would like to creat a graph with the category (low,
mid, high) on the X-axis and the odds ratio on the
Y-axis - the odds ratio being represented by a small
box/symbol in the center with the 95% CI as a vertical
line (similar to a box and whiskers plot - only
without the 25th and 75th percentile shoulders).
I'm having a problem superimposing the graphs for
outcome1 and outcome2 on the same graph - does
anybody have any suggestions how I can do this? I
tried searching the stata online resources and the
manual but was not successful.
I'm using intercooled Stata 8.0.
Thank you,
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