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Re: st: creating unique identifier values

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: creating unique identifier values
Date   Wed, 08 Mar 2006 21:36:32 -0500

At 09:06 PM 3/8/2006, you wrote:
No idea why you would want to do it, but it's easy with -forval-

 set obs `=26*35'
 g x=.
 g a=.
 g i=.
 local n=1
forv i=1/26 {
    forv a=1/35 {
     qui  replace x=`i'`a' in `n'
     qui  replace i=`i'  in `n'
     qui  replace a=`a' in `n'
   local n=`n'+1
Austin beat me to it. My solution was

set obs 910
gen id = 0
local casenum = 0
forval i = 1/26 {
forval j = 1/35 {
local casenum = `casenum' + 1
if `j' < 10 {
quietly replace id = `i' * 10 + `j' in `casenum'
else {
quietly replace id = `i' * 100 + `j' in `casenum'

BUT, are you sure you want to do it this way??? Note that you DO NOT get unique ids this way. For example, 211 shows up twice - once with case 2, attribute 11, and again with case 21, attribute 1. Where I have `i' * 10 above, I would make it `i' * 100 (The code could be simplified further, of course). i.e. make it 100* subject number + attribute number.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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